Tag Archives: plumbing

3 cheers for the plumber

We have flushing capabilities! I cheer that plumber. I wish him plumb good luck in the new year.
Mr. Plumber was here for an hour and a half (!!!!!) working and slaving and huffing away in the basement. The clog was gargantuan in size, likely gathering for years he said. He had to super snake (his snake looked nothing like the bitty home user snake, I tell ya! Barbaric, even!) 56 feet down the driveway towards the road. That’s a lot of snake.

There is nothing like living flushless, though to give a healthy appreciation of good pipes. My pipes are fine, how are yours?


One drama resolved. I’m sure one is lurking in the wings. So it goes with home ownership.

And now, my attention turns towards New Year’s Eve. Our friends that we have always spent it with have gone away this year so we are on our own. Made me sad for a nanosecond because I am all about the value of tradition. But now that I’ve lived with it for a while, I am excited to have a NYE at home with Andy. We’ll have snacks, bacon wrapped chicken livers (Andy’s favorite), stuffed mushrooms (my favorite) and some veggie dip for good measure. We’ll put toothpicks in our eyes and make it to the stroke of midnight, have ourselves a bit of a smooch or two and then nod off.  And while that New Year’s Eve would not have appealled to my younger self at all, there is nothing I would rather do in the world tonight.

I hope you have a honey to spend it with too. Or a furry one. Or a wonderful you.

Happy New Year, my friends! Bring on 2010~!


Filed under life, random